Monday, April 25, 2011

A Universal Mission- Robert Gray Gallagher

A universal mission

Here we are at the beginning of our journey together. In this moment life is how it has always been. At this point of our current evolutionary phase, the astrological ages have a mystery that cannot be agreed upon by the fragmented consciousness of humanity. The warped perception of our beliefs and fears have all but ensured our fate.

We uphold beliefs which severely limits our ability to extract truth out of situations as we experience them. We tell ourselves lies. We fear which supports lies and facilitates their solidification into beliefs. We have minds that process information in such a way that they can actually twist events into lies that they not only believe but protect as if the lie was the truth.

If the mind, in its current model, were a piece of our coveted technology, it would be reaching a point of obsolescence.

If people did not fear then they would not become confused. If people were not confused they would not be manipulated. If people were not manipulated then they would make life affirming decisions.

The absurd has become a working part of our brains.

Along my path I never really stopped to smell the roses. What was lacking on my part was a balanced connection to the universe of which I am a part of. My own finite fear driven perception has always skewed my comprehension of an infinite universe. My imagined fears and self-centered thinking has always limited me. A better way to say this is that I always compromised my understanding of the positive or love aspect of the universe.

Even when I was on drugs shooting up speed in the tenderloin, I was always awake. This, I am beginning to realize is a rare gift. I was able to propel myself in a downward spiral and be conscious of the fact that I was doing it the entire time. These days I am experiencing a different clarity in my understanding of the universe and all of its layers.

I have opened myself up to the same side of the universe that I made a conscious decision to turn my back on over a decade ago. Over the years I have seen aspects of humanity at work in each and every stage of their self imposed darkness. The darker I chose to go the darker my reflection in the eyes of those who mirrored became. Those who surrounded me mirrored my reflection. It is ironic that the darker I went the more I was enlightened.

I truly believe that in order to understand I must become part of what ever it is that I want to know. School is something of a disaster in our modern era. The confined mind that learns to play the game early on is rewarded for thinking inside the dotted lines.

If I were to look up the definition of fear and recite it, word for word back to my teacher then I could gain the merits of a book-based education that is primarily self-serving in its result. If I am good at this sort of scholastic achievement then my degree will be my reward and material possession, my addiction. What if I rebel against the confines of this single dimensional learning machine and abandon myself into fear its self? What if I became an addict just like the one in the books that the other students would study about? What if I could escape into each and every fear driven behavior until there was nothing left to do except turn out the lights and simply fade away?

Somehow I completed this sort of well rounded education with my mind and body still in tact. If I can survive those dark years and live to articulate my findings in a way that both the street junkie and the college professor can relate to then this is what I have an obligation to do.
I believe that my whole existence, much of it having to endure the disappointment of human relationships was all exactly as it was supposed to be. I was supposed to take the elevator as far down as I did. I was supposed to endure the years of isolation, frustration, fear and pain in order to serve those who I met as I made my decent downward.

I also believe that this is humanity’s time to shine. If everyone who has experienced the same sort of demise as I simply closed the door to their dark pasts as they stepped out into the light of their reconnected consciousness then how bright would it really be on the other side?
Do people not understand why they are given the gift of enlightenment in the first place? Do they not know that there are millions just like them who will never feel the love of their own spirit because they will forever remain trapped inside imagined fears of their own making?
I have committed my life to clearing this structure of manipulation and imagined fear and laying the foundation for a transcendence of universal spirituality by way of a remedy that will afford individuals the luxury of collectively choosing what kind of existence they manifest for themselves.

When we try to comprehend how we are like our fellow man, we must first come to the realization that the limitations of our own flesh have perpetuated a universal frustration that is felt within us all. In most cases, this frustration is reflected in our fears, which have often overtaken our spirit by granting the perception of our ego a disproportionate empowerment. Through this empowerment, we have given into our own fears and frustrations and allowed the darkness to overtake our light.

Just as our spirit can cast no shadow, we should always be reminded that our earthly shadow in merely a reflection of our humanistic self. As our human form is dictated by earthly limitations, so to do those earthly limitations apply to our shadow for it is only in existence because our flesh and bones created it. It is for this reason alone that we should never grant our mortal reflection the type of fear-based power that could actually stand in the way of our own spiritual experience.

I want everyone to have an opportunity for individual reflection and self-realization sufficient to bring about a personal spiritual transformation. Thus creating an individual awakening that cumulatively could create a shift in our collective consciousness and establish a reconnection to the truth. By providing people, the opportunity to undergo and complete this sort of spiritual awakening it is my belief that we can impede or even reverse our egos fear driven dominion over our spirits. By bridging this disconnection from the spirit we will finally be able to emancipate the spirit of man from this self-imposed, age-old wrought iron cage of consciousness that strangles our society in a slow suicide.

Robert Gray Gallagher
2011 All Rights Reserved

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