Monday, April 5, 2010

Stardust:Astrological influences on Humanity and ego


I am going to let you in on a little secret right now. Those planets that also happen to be orbiting around the sun in our galaxy play a role our conscious and subconscious thoughts from one day to the next. They by no means decide our behavior or our emotional response to life but they do play a part.

Our ability to think freely and utilize our own personality assets involves a certain co-operation from our immediate neighbors. Each planet in our galaxy is capable bringing out certain thoughts and emotions at different periods of the year. The planets have nothing to do with our spiritual energy but they do affect the way that our energy interacts with our thoughts and predisposed characteristics. The planets only exist on our physical plane and only effect our predisposition.

People are born on earth at a specific moment in space. Time only exists on our planet but it can be useful as a point of reference to achieve a more well-rounded understanding of our predisposed characteristics. We are all comprised of varying degrees of elemental combinations that make each of us uniquely different. Each planet in our immediate galaxy is comprised of a unique combination of elements as well. They each have their own unique attributes which is a direct result of these elements coming together. The way that the planets interact with one another is similar to the way that we do except that we have free will. The planets influences are more predictable and fixed and this dependability helps humanity become more predictable as well.

We breathe air, which is free and light, while water flows and is a little denser. Fire burns while the earth is stable. Look at it this way, when the rainfalls it is evaporated by the sun and then leaves a sedimentary residue on the ground. If the air gets too hot then it could actually cause the earth to ignite into fire. The basis for which these elements mix and react is the basis for the manifestation of organic evolution.

Our immediate family of planets has a similar relationship with each other as well as the earth that we all call home. At any given moment one planet could be having a gravitational relationship with another which could actually effect the predisposition of a person who happens to be born during that planetary interaction. The interaction between the planets has a two fold influence that involves gravitational and frequency beams of influence. These beams transmit to our planet and into the minds of every living creature that inhabits the earth. The effects of these beams are subtle and gradual. The innate characteristics of these planets do not determine our evolution but the manner in which we carry out our evolutionary process.

The slow moving procession of planetary interaction plays a part in determining a lot of our pre-disposed characteristics. Keep in mind that individually; these characteristics have nothing to do with our socially conditioned belief system but it does play a role in how we learn and express our thoughts to one another.

The influence of the planets is instilled in us from the minute we begin to take shape and form inside of our mother’s womb. These predisposed attributes remain a part us for as long as we are alive. Our ego will actually take on the more negative characteristics of its creator, which is the brain of the body it is contained in. We create our ego. In other words we will manifest our own ego that will resemble our own predisposition but it will bring out the worst in our predisposition.
Remember that we create our ego and our ego is driven by fear. The dispositions of our attributes that are determined by the planets are very dualistic in nature. The amount of exposure to the sun, among other factors, that each planet receives has a hand in determining each planet's influence. A perfect example of this would be the planet Mercury due to its unique orbit it has around the sun. One half of Mercury is always facing the sun while the other half is always in darkness. Gemini is the sign that is ruled by Mercury. Gemini is known as the twin in the astrology community. Gemini’s are known to possess two completely different personalities and this is a direct result of the duality that is created by their ruling planets unique orbit around the sun.

All of the other planets have their own distinct characteristics, which transmits to the people that each particular planet influences. All of the planets represent duality in veering degrees. All of the people who live on earth are capable of exhibiting dualistic behaviors as well. Some people could be stable and dependable at their best while being hard headed and stubborn at their worst. Each one of us has to deal with the dualistic nature of our own disposition through out the course of our life.

The dirty bomb that has an impact on our attributes being negative or positive is our fear driven ego. Our ego can literally bring out the worst of these characteristics at times when they would other wise be favorable. If someone is capable of two extremes or a balance somewhere in between, our fear driven ego will create an unbalance where there otherwise would not have been one.
On its own, the ego can disengage our mind from our spirit, which creates an imbalance in and of its self. This obstruction from the spirit will also confuse our perception of reality and cause us to access our planetary attributes in a negative manner rather than a positive one. The more confused we are the further we have become disconnected from our own inner truth. When we are unsure, we perceive ourselves as being in a greater state of imagined fear. Remember that fear will activate our instinctual response to life. Our instincts are ruled by the lower, reptilian part of our brain. This fear driven, instinctual response to our environment will become the primary driving force behind our egos belief system that it maintains in our mind. The more our ego is ruled by fear and instincts the less it will be able to access the higher, more spiritually connected part of our mind. This mindset will have an equally negative impact on our predisposed disposition that is determined by the planets in our galaxy. When we are in imagined fear we will act out on the more negative and self serving aspects of our innate planetary disposition. This entire interaction actually activates a more instinctual response to our perceived surroundings. When our predisposed planetary dispositions get filtered through our fear driven ego our in thoughts and actions are much more negative.

Our predisposed planetary attributes are at home in the mammalian parts of the brain. The mammalian part of the brain is between the reptilian and human parts. Remember that the reptilian brain is the lower part where fear is at home. The human brain is the higher part, which is our connection to the spiritual realm. Our brain is a pretty basic design, which has working parts that are each responsible for conducting business in different parts of our perceived reality. The part of the brain, which is closest to the body, is the reptilian part, which is actually connected to the spinal chord.

The reptilian brain is deals with our more immediate instinctual needs in the physical realm. The mammalian brain is right on top of the reptilian part and it deals with matters of our immediate physical universe such as the planets of our own galaxy. The outer region of our brain, which is directly above the mammalian part, is our connection to the spiritual realm of the universe. This outer region of our brain is the one that is separates us from all of the other animals in the kingdom.

The human brain deals with matters of our higher consciousness and enables us to create at will. The ego is a bridge that accesses all three regions of our mind together. The problem with the ego is that it connects all three parts in such a way that they can no longer be utilized in a balanced way. Our ego actually impairs our ability to connect to love and truth. Evolution will eventually correct this imbalance for us as long as we don’t self destruct before hand.

The basic reason for our inert planetary influence is to promote a complementary balance between different elements we possess within us. The purpose of the interaction between our mammalian brain and the planets is to bring about a balanced perception within the minds of the collective consciousness.
We need air to breath, water to drink, fire to keep us warm and the earth to stand on. The perfect combination of these four basic elements in just the right manner is what allows us to exist in this physical realm. The influence of the other planets allows us to cultivate a better-rounded viewpoint when we work collectively.

We each are endowed with certain perceived strengths depending on which planets influence our makeup. Keep in mind that the attributes that we were born with are basically ours for life.
The slow moving planets also constantly influence us during the entire time that we are alive as well. These planets never stop influencing our minds and will affect each mind differently due to the interaction with the attributes we were born with.

Think about it, if it were just the earth and the sun in our galaxy then we would all be relatively similar in our predisposed characteristics. Our own individual personalities are built off of the foundation of attributes we were born with; these attributes are a direct result of the influence of the planets in our galaxy at the time and location of our birth. The influences of the planets by no means determine who we are on their own but they definitely play a strong supporting role.
The thing that throws off most people about astrology is that it gets confused as religion. I tend not to limit myself by taking any of the things that I speak of as absolute. Everything plays a part in the living experience, as we know it to be. A lot of people are ignorant about the specific role that the planets play in our life. The immediate planets in our galaxy did not create us and they don’t have anything to do with our soul but they do give each one of us specific inate character traits that are uniquely ours. Their influences allow us to come together to transcend our individual limitations. On this level we are definitely all-unique creations of the loving universe.

Other animals are affected in much the same way as we are by the planets but it is not quite as noticeable because their attributes are more intermeshed with the instinctual aspects of their brain. Our souls are the same and so are our bodies. Sure we may have different shapes and sizes but internally we are all given the same basic vehicle to transport our spirits and minds around with.

Until next time.

Robert Gray Gallagher

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